Friday, April 2, 2010


Peace Fam As some of us know there are different forms of wind you have Solar Winds which carry energy from the Sun as well as Planetary Winds which is the way planets release unused light and chemical energy back into the Universe. Now the winds that have the most noticeable effect on us is the Earth's Wind of which there are many classifications based on strength,longevity, and the area of the planet which it effects. I see wind as being as much a symbol of wisdom as water because with both you deal with currents and just like the strength of wind comes from the force it took to manifest it so the strength of wisdom comes from the Power of the Knowledge that brought it about. You have gusts which are local short and powerful as well as tsunami's which have widespread and destructive effects and all these winds originate at the Earth's equator and are created by a combination of the effects of the Solar winds and the ability to absorb this energy as well as it's speed of rotation. This can also be applied to our Black woman who is the Real Earth because the Wisdom that she manifests is as powerful as the Knowledge that we share with her and her ability to absorb it and use it in her daily life(rotation). This is why it's so important to know your Earth and what conditions exists within her cipher before adding on with your solar wind(wisdom). Because as you can see there is a very delicate balance between the Sun and the Earth and the way there energies combine can be exteremely constructive or extremely destuctive. Peace

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dual Diagnosis and the Brilliant Sun

My uncle(my mother's brother) used to tell my father when they were in the Panthers that he was brilliant but he was insane. He was not insulting my father it's just that they both knew that there is a fine line between genius and insanity this is what is known as a dual diagnosis. The reason for this is that the Genius has the insight to see beyond accepted reality and since the majority of the world lacks this insight they can not comprehend the thoughts of a brilliant mind so in order for their mind to find some type of rational conclusion they usually conclude that he/she is crazy. This is why when people say I'm crazy I take it as a complement because, just like the Father, I have been told I was crazy but when examined it was determined that clinically nothing was wrong with me so I consider myself in good company. The first time I knew I thought differently was on a Sunday when I was 6 years old I was sitting in church with my grandmother listening to the preacher talk about God, the Devil, and Heaven and Hell. When the service was over and everyone was shaking hands I approached the preacher and asked him "If you go to Heaven if your Good and Hell if your Bad and God is in Heaven and the Devil in Hell doesn't that mean they have an agreement with eachother?" He just looked at me and patted me on the head in a very sympathetic manner because either his mind wouldn't let him comprehend such a thing or he didn't want to reveal the truth. You see, in my mind I see good and evil, righteous and unrighteous as labels people use to define the true reality of 360 which is there 180 degrees of positive and 180 of negative and either due to the limitations of the people in society or to limit them they are taught that you are either one or the other but not both. This is why most people whether consciously or subconscious;y define God as the ultimate manifestation of positivity or what most define as good and the Devil as the ultimate manifestation of negativity or what most define as evil. Which cannot be the absolute truth because negativity existed long before the devil did the way we know this is because even A.T.O.M. itself posesses both positive(proton) and negative(electron). I was asked how Allah can be both positive and negative the answer is this the Father told his 1st borns(and I'm paraphrasing) that the difference between him and them was that they knowledged 120 but he knew and understood 120. In order for that to be possible he would have had to Knowledge 120, Wisdom 120, and Understand 120(120+120+120=360) and since this borns 360 it means that he mastered both the positive and negative aspects of the Universe itself this is why he was able to teach both God's and Devil(Azrael). That's why in my view there is a MAJOR difference between Allah and God I have read that the Father said that he came to teach boys to be men and men to be God this is why he taught us things such as take the best part for yourself because the best part is positive and God represents positivity. No one can teach you how to be Allah as the God Be Original said to be Allah you have reach a SELF realization. I have witnessed the God's 8 on how the Father would tell his seeds to stay away from characters such as Robert Walker and I've also seen 8's about why some God's feel that we should not associate with Abu Shahid. However, the Father taught Robert Walker and he was from my understanding friends with Abu Shahid. Being the Knowledge Understanding Seed of Sudan I see things from the aspect of the Father and the Sun and being a Father myself I can understand why the Father would set limits on the people his Suns associated with because when he told them these things they were children. This is the same way that I limit the people my children are around, the things I let them view, and the places I allow them to go even though I may associate with these people, view those things, or go to those places because they are not at the level of maturity I am and cannot handle certain things and I don't want them to be influenced by things they don't fully understand. However, when they become grown they have the freedom to discern for themselves who they associate with, what they view, and where they go. Now there level of freedom from my rules and regulations differs based on whether they live in my house or if they have went and made a home for themselves(which is what we have done in Sudan). In that case though I'm sure they would base there rules and regulations on the things I instill in them but being that they are now grown Men I'm sure that on some things they would Cee things there own way which I would encourage because they are coming into there own which means my Sun would have to become Allah himself so that he could rule his house as I did. I also understand that if they had brothers or sisters that never left home and made a home for themselves they may not understand where my seeds that have are coming from because they have not had the same experiences they have had in the world but that does not mean they can not learn from one another. It just means that there growth and development may not have been the same. As far as whether or not YAcub is Allah I realize that the majority of those in my NAtion cannot wrap there mind around that but as my Physical Father said only Genius can recognize Genius. I always like to use the example(and this is only an EXAMPLE) of Xavier and Magneto in the X-Men stories they both possesed Genius and understood and respected eachother's power however those who where not on that level didn't have the same understanding. So out of love and Supreme Understanding I will compromise for those who can not understand my position and say that Yacub was only a God and leave it at that. B.U.T. I will say I would hope that each and every one of us continue to build to elevate our level of understanding.
Your Brother,The Emperor I'Quan Master Builder Sudan Born I Am Allah

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The illusion of time

I've come to the realization that time, dates, years, days etc are all illusion Monday and Wednesday are no different it's just a way to trick our mind and control our movement I wonder if we did not bear witness to these measurements of time would we age and stress the way we do.- I'Quan Allah

Time is what man uses to measure when events, movement, and life spans happened, are happening, or will happen and their duration. So whoever decides how time is measured has alot of influence over how we plan,how we move as far as where we go and when we get there, and how we age. For instance the Earth actually makes a full rotation every 23 hrs and 56 min revolves around the Sun every 364 1/4 days. But we live our lives based on 24 hr days and 365 day calendar years. Which adds 18 hrs to every year which means by the time you are 20 yrs old you have actualy added 15 extra days to your life which means you actually half a month older by that time then you really are. By this time being added to our lives it causes us to speed up because it creates the illusion that we have less time to complete our goals in life when you couple this with the fact that the majority of us work a 40 hr week to support ourselves that shortens the amount of time we have for ourselves by at least 8 hrs a day not to mention the amount of time it takes to get to and from work(not that I'm encouraging unemployment I'm just making an observation) you actually devote half of your day to someone else and when you factor in the fact you sleep at least 6-8 hrs you only have 4 hrs within a 5 day week week for yourself and even if you have 2 off days a week you spend most of the 1st day resting and the next day preparing to go back to work. I was taught that Time in S.A. is True I Master Equality and it's True that if I control my time I am the Master of the amount of my life I have to share(equality) with my family whereas if I don't control that than I am being mastered by someone else. Time is measured naturally based on the the so-called rising,setting and position of the Sun in the sky as the Earth rotates and Seasonal changes as the Earth revolves not by dates on a calendar, or hours on a clock. In fact the Original Man has no beginning or Ending which means we are not confined or limited to time so trying to live within this limitation is unnatural to us and has alot to do with the stress and health issues that we encounter so in essence time is an illusion to us.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Birth of the Newborns(9)

a. The emergence and separation of offspring from the body of the mother.


A past participle of bear1.
adj. Abbr. b.
Brought into existence; created

In this Nation we all have a born-day and a birth-day which have similar characteristics but are not necessarily the same. The definition of birth as seen above deals with being brought forth from the mothers womb whereas born deals with being brought into existence. They are similar yet the differences are that the child that is birthed from the mother already existed though it was unseen by the physical eye(without the assistance of technology) b.u.t. it was the birth which presented the seed and born it to the outside world so it could be seen by everyone(including itself). One of the acronyms for I.S.L.A.M is I. S.timulate L.ife A.nd M.atter(9) which is shown and proven by the newborn while it is still in the womb. The womb is a smaller representation of the Universe itself and within that Universe exists the Sun, Moon, And Stars.(9 1-10) We teach that the Universe is when U-N-I-Verse(or speak) to bring forth a better understanding. This in turn stimulates those who hear us speak and gives them life we call these newborns because even though they are Grown Men and Women physically mentally they are still falling victim to the F.alse E.ducation A.ccepted as R.eality(9 1-36) they were taught as children so they still can trult see themselves. So they have to return back to the point of conception(mentally) and be reborn so that they can gain the proper understanding(18 1-36) of self. The way this is achieved is by coming into the Cipher of the righteous and finding one who is best able to share this Knowledge with you that you understand and in a way that is equal to your level of comprehension.(36 1-36) Though you will build with many in this Nation this is the individual that will walk with you every step of the way. This individual is your educator and guide and he/she will be responsible for aiding you in your study so you can learn your way by doing the Knowledge to the information you hear being exchanged in the cipher. 9. 1-14)The next step is conception which is when you Knowledge your Supreme Math and Alphabets after this you begin your growth process in the Womb(120). In this process you began to learn things about yourself that were always inside but you could not see them because all your life you have been miseducated by those who sought to take advantage of you.(9 1-40) And during this time you are constantly being nourished by proper mental foods that are prepared righteously by civilized people that are enriched with knowledge of self and seasoned with the science of everything in life. That way when you are birthed from our planet(36 1-40) or emerge from the womb of 120 you will be strong and able to perform the basic functions needed to further develop and manifest the light(9 A.F.) you have within self. The reason there are only eight lessons is because once you get to Pluto it is up to you to share your understanding by building on the Knowledge you have of who and what God is and how that applies to you so that you can born yourself into the Cipher.(9 S.F.) So build to be born newborns we are waiting and anxious to see you!!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010


I received a text from the God Supreme Wisemind the other night which asked me why the "Colored" man is a devil. I have to admit I had never really thought about it much before so I had to do the knowledge to it. I looked up the word colored and found that one definition is " Distorted or biased, as by irrelevant or incorrect information" and I saw this definition as very relevant to who and what a devil really is. You see the devil continues daily through television, radio, news, and advertising to distort our perceptions of ourselves and the world around us by setting certain bias which lead you to believe that his moral, political, and ethical standards are correct and that anyone anywhere who disagrees is in error. Why even the devil's themselves(at least 85% of them) have been brainwashed to believe that they are a superior race based on the incorrect information of history and there origins in this world they have been indoctrinated with. This "colored" information has had such an effect on the Original people that we at one time even called ourselves colored hell even now-a-day the pseudo-conscious use the colored term African to define themselves. The reason I say this is that the devil calls this continent Africa(after Scipio Africanus) whereas the Original people called it, as well as the rest of the planet, Asia because we had no need to separate one part from another because we knew that every inch of the planet belonged to us. By defining ourselves in colored terms we are still allowing our perception to be distorted by the incorrect information that the devil is feeding us mentally. So the real question is how colored is our perception of the world? I read a post in which the 7 Akil said we have to define terms do we really know and understanding the terms we use to define ourselves? This is very important because our words creates bonds and if the words we use are tainted then so are the bonds we create. Now I'm not saying we need to necessarily need to go out and learn or make up a new language or anything what I'm saying is to learn the language you speak so that you can redefine the way you communicate and also the way you perceive yourself and the world around you.

Monday, January 4, 2010

He is I and I am Him

I may not be slim(like Snoop) but I've been known to wear a tilted brim what's my M.F. name.....

It seems that my last post caused quite a buzz I've been getting e-mails, and phone calls all regarding the way some feel that I bashed or aired dirty laundry for the whole world to see well let me weigh in here by saying it is not my intention to low rate or talk down on anyone in my nation (that's why I didn't mention any names). You see, my understanding is this I and my brother are one so I can't talk about my brother without talking about myself. The way that I look at it is that in any given situation anyone of us can be either the teacher, the student, or the lesson(or at least part of the lesson) that is being taught. I'm not always right and there are times when I have been corrected and didn't take it well, when I have been used as an example which taught a lesson to someone who may have been going in the wrong direction, I have even been in the uncomfortable position of having to correct those who's tenure in this Nation eclipse the very short 11 yrs I have been a part of the NGE. What has helped me is that I have begun to realize what part I play in the situations I encounter and make sure that my role leads to someone's betterment(even if it is just my own). For those who saw my last post as a personal attack my sincerest of apologies that was not my intent. My actual intention was to bring something out that is not only a problem in our Nation but an issue with our people period. Ice Cube once said that "Fools get drunk and wanna compete slap boxing in the street. Niggas get made tempers start flaring cause they got a few women staring." The Knowledge that we have is powerful and it is very easy to get drunk with that power especially when we have an audience. So alot of times instead of us striving to reach a compromise and show and prove that we are civilized people and not savages in pursuit of happiness we are more concerned with appearances and how those who are watching will perceive us and this is dangerous. I was an active member of the 42 Oakland St. Crip Gang for 8 yrs and I have seen more lives lost over ego than anything else, in fact, I have even encountered those within my nation who sought to take my life over a misunderstanding and that is ridiculous and even though I was not the instigator I am ashamed to even say I was involved in such nonsense. I was on my way to a funeral this weekend and I checked my e-mails on my phone and I received one from my brother Sun Tzu and my feelings and response to him reminded me very quickly that even I under the right circumstances can become very emotional, irrational, and offensive. So to my brother I send my sincerest apologies. In closing when you read my post remember that I am not just seeking to teach others I am also seeking to enlighten and educate self.

I'Quan Allah