Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Between your Blessings

This weekend I was 8ing with Master 7 on going through hard times and he dropped a jewel on me that we aren't actually going through hard times we are just between blessings. Now being that I am the Knowledge Understanding seed and I received this jewel from the Understanding seed I had to add my Knowledge to it to Cee how to apply it to my life. What I saw was that the time between blessings is when we are dealing with the application of Supreme Mathematics. You see taking mathematics from Knowledge to born is a process and what you are striving to accomplish determines the time it takes for you to complete this process. For instance, a student striving to receive P.H.D. and one striving to receive a bachelors degree both go through the process of Supreme Mathematics the only difference is the amount of time it takes for each to complete the process. The way to stay positive during this process is to be able to recognize your progress on your journey from Knowledge to Born. Do you recognize when you go from Knowledge to Wisdom or when your Knowledge and Wisdom has brought forth an Understanding? This is important because the main reason that many of us fall short of our goal is that we get lost in the process. I know for myself personally that I have at times gotten to equality and got comfortable because things were finally starting to balance out but since I don't continue with the process to complete the Cipher I found myself falling back to square 1 again or I get dissatisfied because going through each stage is taking longer than I think it should. However, if instead of looking at just how far I have to go I can also look at far I've come in the process as inspiration. The truth is that whatever you apply mathematics too is bound to come to fruition as long as you complete the process. So keep striving for perfection by applying Supreme Mathematics and your blessings are guaranteed to come. And in the meantime and in between time enjoy the growth and development you gain during your journey.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Try Baby or Do Baby

"Don't be a try baby be a do baby" I can't tell you how many times I've heard BeGod build on this topic. In fact it has been a build I constantly keep in mind and has been key to my growth and development. I've noticed that people who always say I tried never complete anything and alway's have an excuse or justification for why they didn't finish what they started. "Trying is like dying you either do or you don't" this is a phrase I also attribute to our Culture seed which is interesting in it's phraseology because those who do technically aren't tryer's whereas those that don't alway's are. The problem with being a tryer is that eventually the people around you get tired of hearing your excuses because eventually you become a liability to them. Ex: When I was younger I always had an excuse for why I couldn't find a job. It was always because of something that was out of my control. When the truth was the reason was always within my control. Either I didn't dress properly, got there late, or because I didn't show up at all or if I did admit my fault in the situation it was always a justification intended to make it alright. But regardless of the reason the result was the same I didn't have any money to contribute to my home which made me a burden on either my family or the people I was staying with at that time. Here in Sudan we are a tight knit family and what effects one in some way or another effects all of us. This is not only true here in Sudan but also throughout our Nation this is why we must ensure that what we teach is in accordance to our degrees because this the foundation that our Father gave us and in order to teach these degrees we must KNOW these degrees. Why is this important? Think of it this way say you took your child to school to be taught and you found out that the teacher was not qualified to teach. What if you voiced your concerns and the teacher told you well I know enough to get your child started I just don't know enough to get them through the school year. What if the principal of the school was in agreement with this teacher? Would you remove them from that class? That school? So what do you think happens when people in our Nation who don't know enough about our foundation go out and try to teach and leave the people they are intending to instruct with a misunderstanding by taking them half way or 4500 miles into the water but can't take them the rest of the way. And even worse when they take them halfway they leave them out there(the trader disappears) and then goes back to get someone else and do the same thing to them? Or even worse those of us who know what there doing not only fail to correct them but encourage them as if they are doing the right thing? Don't you think that this would give people the wrong idea about our culture? Or even turn away those who were sincere about learning our culture? And even if the y weren't turned away and found someone that was qualified to take them the whole journey do you know the additional weight you have put on your brother or sister to fix or refine what you have done? Don't get me wrong we all regardless of our level of elevation can add on and build to our level of understanding. B.U.T. when you set yourself up as an Educator you become Allah(the best knower, All Knowing) to your student and they're looking to you to direct them properly . So you better make sure that you can carry that weight because your taking someone else's life in your hands. Raising someone from a mental death is serious business and just like a doctor in surgery even the smallest mistake or miscalculation can be fatal. So before you teach make sure you have not only completed your journey from Knowledge to Pluto but also that you have a sufficient understanding so that you can break that down into the Knowledge and Wisdom that would aid your student in they're Understanding. Because when you have a student showing off your Knowledge is not important them getting Understanding is. The Father didn't give us Supreme Math, Alphabets, and 120 so we could try to teach he gave it to us to TEACH. We are and always have been a Nation of doers and not tryer's in fact the only thing we ever tried on was that mystery god and look what that got us. Think on that.