Friday, July 24, 2009

Teach the Babies Change the Future

The Degrees teach us that Yacub learned the science of magnetism, founded the science of unalike attracts and alike repels, decided to make an unalike people, and told his people what he was going to do all at the age of 6. So as a youth he had already developed a plan and began to draw followers from amongst his own people. Who were these people? Well the way I'Quan Cee's it these people were other youth. History shows us that it is always the youth who make a change in the world with fresh ideas that give us new ways to see reality. Yacub's idea was to make a people who had no natural love(magnetic) which would draw him to our people magnetic(natural love). Now Yacub's peoplw would use this love that we have to there advantage in order to decive and master our people so that he could use them as a tool and a slave. To better understand this think of a Moter and Father that have a unruly and rebellious child now this child can cause great trouble and expense for his parents but it is there love for them that keeps them from giving up on them even when it is obvious to everyone watching that this child cannot be reformed. This is the relationship of the Original People(especially in the wilderness of North America) and the Colored Man world history shows us the trouble that he has caused for the Original People all over the World but our people continue to hope against hope that they can reform them devil by doing this we extend the devils rule beyond his expiration date. You see the degrees tell us tat he was to rule for 6,000 yrs. 6,000 borns 6(equality) the 6 degrees in the 1-14 deals with ignorance and how the devil uses are ignorance to make us tools and slaves so he can keep us blind to ourselves and the 6 1-36 speaks on the devil giving us nothing. That ignorance is ignorance of ourselves and our origins in this world and the devil does everything within his power to insure that his educational system teaches us nothing about our culture and everything about their's. The devil knows that if he can program our minds as children he will not have as much trouble keeping us in submission to his rules and regulations. In order for us as civilized people to move our people into a more positive direction we have to strive to reverse the above science that Yacub put in place. The same way that Yacub got his peers to assist him in his undertaking we must appeal to the youth and get them (as well as their peers) involved in changing the future for the world that we live in. This begins with positive education and giving them something to be proud of by showing them that they can make positive contributions to humanity instead of just adding to it's destruction. One thing that YAcub taught us is that when you have an determined idea,people who support your idea and are willing to pass it down from one generation to another you can achieve anything you put your mind too. Think on that

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Solar System(I'Quan's Understanding)

Each Solar System starts as stellar cloud composed of gas water and dust that is held together by the gravitation of the magnetic field at its center as this cloud begins to rotate around its center it collapses into a spherical cloud. The thermodynamic heat caused by this spinning causes the hydrogen and helium at the center to ignite(to born what we now call the Sun) as it ignites this explosion causes the ejection from the center of metals such as nickel and iron as well as non metallic rock material. The nickel and iron are magnetized by the Sun and remain close to it and become the core material for the 4 terrestrial planets(planets composed mainly of metal and rock) the magnetism and collision of these metals and other rocks as well as gases dust and water that they came in contact with in the path of rotation became the materials that were used to form these planets as we know it. The matter that was not found useful are now a part of the asteriod belt. Now when the explosion at the center of the cloud occured much of the water in the inner solar system became vapor and combined with most of the gas and was pushed into the outer solar system where it became ice and frozen gases this ice and gas began to mix with the dust and pieces of rock in there path of rotation (like dirty snow balls). The material found unuseful became a part of the comet belt at the edges of our solar system. Now as far as who is older I cee them as dealing with equality since all of the material was born at the same time.PeaceI'Quan

Sudan Confidential: Multiplication

Wisdom(2) Multipied by Equality(6) Borns Knowledge Wisdom(12). Which is the Love that is shared between the Father and the Mother of Civilization who brings all things into existence. This Love is the magnetism of the Man and Woman stiving to understand one another. Their understandings are then combined within the mental and physical womb of man and out of this darkness(24.x=Unknown) the Equality(6) of Man(1) and Woman(2) is born through (3) or the Child which stimulates them to get their life together and build (48) so they can provide food clothing and shelter for the seeds. The bond between Mother and child makes her the perfect one to teach the child the science of life(Life) and she is key to furthering his/her education by teaching them the mathematics given to us by the Father(96). By learning this and also observing the Father and Mother applying Islam to there daily lives it helps them to learn how to live it out and make wise decisions when they are away from their parents(192). When they do this they attract those around them who Cee them living a way of life they are un familiar with which gives the seed the opportunity to Build with them about our Divine/Culture (384). So when they become mature God's and Earth's they have a lifetime of experience adding on according to Supreme Mathematics(768). Which in turn gives them the ability as their own Men(Knowledge) and/or Women(Wisdom) to draw/draw up their own counterparts to add their own Understanding to in order to born a new reality.(589824)

Sudan Confidential: Degrees Of Knowledge

The journey from illusion to reality begins with Supreme Mathematics and that starts with Knowledge which within itself is an infinite journey. I learned how to pay close attention to the World around me, the things that happen in it, and how all that relates to me. It made me more responsible by showing me that as a Black Man I am the Foundation of my family. It also showed me that I should constantly elevate mentally so that I can shine the light of intelligence into the darkness of the World just as the Sun shines it's light out into the darkness of the Universe. Because Knowing that I am Knowledge and Knowledge is Allah I have to be able to stand in the darkness and create light and reality for myself and my family and no matter what happens I have to rise above all fear and doubt and show and prove. You see the most important job I have is to be the Father of Civilization which requires that I be wise enough to show my seeds the proper way of living and thinking to navigate through the devils civilization without allowing it to contaminate there hearts and minds. I do this by showing them the richness of our history and letting them know that the Original MAn is the Maker and the Owner of everything that exists and since he is the Father of Civilization and deals in equality he shares this ownership with the Original Woman and the Original Child. I should through all my days provide a peaceful and stable environment for my Original Woman and also for my Children as they grow and also should they ever have issues out in the world and need to return home for rejuvenation and encourage them to go back out and learn stand on there own feet so they can Know the Ledge for Self and not live on the edge which leads back to illusion.PEACEI'Quan

Sudan Confidential: Science of Everything in Life

In the 1-40 the 18th degree teach us the science of everything in life is Love Peace and Happiness. This says to me that everything in this world lives for 1, 2, or all of the above. Those who live only for Love will sacrifice their Peace and Happiness for that. I Cee that this is the root of abusive relationships and unhappy marriages. Those who live only for the Peace sacrifice the Love and Happiness. The majority of the time they desire silence and solitude and are only willing to share there space to fulfill physical needs or for temporary lapses in the monotony. As for those who seek only Happiness they will make War and use those that Love them to get it. This is the importance of the Rule and the Ruler to the All Wise RIGHT AND EXACT Scientist because it aids him in providing measure and balance to each of the above. For together they are Beautiful separated they can get very Ugly.Peace,I'Quan

Universal Time Test‏

When I was in school each year we would have school wide comprehension test to see if the school system was succesful in educating it's students. Now these tests were timed and in most cases only the questions that were answered are graded. As we got older we had similar testing (such as the SAT) that were used to measure are abilities to comprehend and succeed in higher levels of learning.I consider the Earth a Universal School of Islam the reason for this is because mathematically it is here that you (9)Born an (3)Understanding of the (1)Knowledge and (2)Wisdom of the Original Man and through your ways and actions or what you manifest shows your (3) comprehension of said Knowledge and Wisdom. We Know and Understand that Mentally we have no limitations however the Physical does have limitations and one of the major ones is time. Knowledge Almighty God Allah always says "Time tell on everything and Everybody" which is true because eventually your results(Justice) will show as to what you have been doing with your time and your grade is determined according to the reward and penalties you receive in your life. So use your time wisely and pay attention to lessons that you are have gone/are going/will go/or have seen others through and get the best part(Understanding) out of all of these so when you do encounter your tests based on your personal life or what you've have observed others go through you are able to Show and Prove that your Understanding is Supreme. Think on thatI'Quan

Science of Everything in Life

In the 1-40 the 18th degree teach us the science of everything in life is Love Peace and Happiness. This says to me that everything in this world lives for 1, 2, or all of the above. Those who live only for Love will sacrifice their Peace and Happiness for that. I Cee that this is the root of abusive relationships and unhappy marriages. Those who live only for the Peace sacrifice the Love and Happiness. The majority of the time they desire silence and solitude and are only willing to share there space to fulfill physical needs or for temporary lapses in the monotony. As for those who seek only Happiness they will make War and use those that Love them to get it. This is the importance of the Rule and the Ruler to the All Wise RIGHT AND EXACT Scientist because it aids him in providing measure and balance to each of the above. For together they are Beautiful separated they can get very Ugly.


Activities for the seeds

Today I was at Black Saviors Shop and Kemar was doing math problems on the board to pass time. I asked the Young God to Quote the 1st problem(which was:10+919) in Supreme Mathematics he quoted and I asked him if he had his Supreme Alphabets I then showed him a way to apply the Math problem to Supreme Alphabets. Ex used:"Knowledge Cipher in Alphabets is Justice which is a penalty or reward for One's ways and actions plus Born which is I.S.L.A.M.(I Self Lord And Master) borns Knowlege Born Self Savior. When you Knowledge Your Cipher or Know Yourself you are responsible for your Justice and when you add I.S.L.A.M. to that you control the Justice you receive which in turn gives you the ability to Save Self which is All and that's cause you the Knowledge which is Allah."I'Quan suggests that you try this technique or something similar to help Our Seeds see the Reality of this Science in Everything in Life. Peace